The Department of Operational Research and Econometrics, in its scientific and pedagogical work, aims to deepen the general economic knowledge regarding the economic analysis of the national economy and its sectors, as well as in the field of economic analyses at the level of production and non-manufacturing companies. The starting point of analysis is a model approach and quantitative methods along with their computer support.
Study offered
The study of the subjects coordinated by the department provides systematic insights to cope with various stages of the use of methodological apparatus of operational research and econometrics in tackling economic problems, namely:
- problem analysis, model design and task identification
- selection of methods to address the identified tasks
- solving tasks using computer software
- verifying the propositional ability of acquired solutions
- implementation of results in the decision-making process
Particular attention is given to computing, with standard software or for the active creation of program products to address economic challenges.
As part of the subjects taught in the guaranteed study programs, the members of the Department present problems and their solutions in the field of optimization, econometrics and mathematical economics, the content of which corresponds to the current teaching trends in these areas.
Employability of students
Knowledge of the economic theory and knowledge in the use of quantitative methods and computing in dealing with analytical and decision-making economic tasks are mainly applied in production and business companies, banks, insurance companies, stock exchanges, in the top management of various institutions in the non-productive sphere and in the institutions of the central management bodies.
Ranking of faculties according to the average number of CV views by companies (Source:
Faculty of Informatics and Information Technologies STU (8.5)
Faculty of Economic Informatics EUBA (8.4)
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Informatics TUKE (7.9)
Faculty of Mechanical Engineering UNIZA (7.7)
Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology STU (7.7)
Cooperation of the Department with other universities and professional organizations
Cooperation with universities in the Slovak Republic and abroad includes cooperation in the organization of conferences and seminars, cooperation in the activities of the Slovak Society for Operational Research, assessment and work in commissions for the defense of dissertation and in publishing the International scientific journal of the Central European Journal for Operations Research.
From the history of the department
The Department of Operational Research and Econometrics was established in 1961 at the Faculty of Economics in Bratislava as the Department of economic-mathematical calculations. Later on it was renamed to the Department of Cybernetics, the Department of economic-mathematical methods, in the year 1990 it acquired its current name as the Department of Operational Research and Econometrics. During this development, in 1970, it became part of the Faculty of Management of the High School of Economics in Bratislava, the current Faculty of Economic Informatics of the University of Economics in Bratislava.
Graduates of Master studies obtained the university degree of studies in the following disciplines: Economic-mathematical calculations, mathematical methods in economics, quantitative methods in economics in the study program of Operational research and Econometrics. The department has brought up many aspirants in the Theory of management and planning and doctoral candidates in the economics and operational research program.