Milé študentky, milí študenti!

Zaujíma vás profesia aktuára?

Chcete sa dozvedieť viac o práci, možnostiach uplatnenia?

Máte radi zábavu v podobe online kvízov?

Chceli by ste si vyskúšať platenú ročnú stáž v spoločnosti Zurich Insurance Bratislava?

Potom neváhajte a prihláste sa na ZURICH Open Day!

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In order to promote positive awareness and promote organized public events, the University of Economics in Bratislava produces visual and audio recordings and publishes them on its website. In case of reservations to the published video and audio recordings, please make these reservations in writing to the following e-mail address: . Complete information on personal data processing here.