Basic information about scholarships provided to faculty students
Motivation scholarships
At the Faculty of Economic Informatics, the scholarships from the University of Economics in Bratislava are awarded (UE own resource in Bratislava) and from the amount of FHI EU in Bratislava by the Ministry of Education, Science, research and Sport of the Slovak Republic according to § 96A ( 1 (b) (b) Act No 131/2002 of the universities.
In general, the meeting of the Evaluation committee for students in two terms - at the end of the academic year (late June) and in the mid-winter semester (end of October) is ongoing.
In the first session, finance for achievements in research, scientific, artistic, sport activities in the current academic year (for example, in the SVOČ, The Dean´s Prize for outstanding final thesis, excellent results during the whole studies) are awarded -These are mainly awards for students who end up their studies (and so their grading has been completed) or awards for students in competitions and activities that already know final results and thus, they can be evaluated.
The second round is usually related to students who continue their studies, while, the study results for the previous academic year and the social situation of the student in the current academic year are evaluated (completed applications for social scholarship submitted by 29.9. - thus, with all necessary documents from the institutions concerned)
In both rounds, the funds are awarded in accordance with the scholarship procedure of the University of Economics in Bratislava and the regulations for the award of motivation scholarships to students of the University of Economics in Bratislava, according to the sections concerned.
The procedure described is indicative only, each year the faculty has a different amount of funds and, the maximum number of students who can receive a motivation scholarship is different. Therefore, the amounts in each category vary each year. (The study average needed to obtain the motivation scholarship for excellent study results is different each year).

Vice-Dean for Social Affairs and Informatics
Assistant Professor
D8.36 +421267295836Vzdelanie
- kurz Tréner trénerov etiky a vedeckej integrity (2022) - program CEEPUS,
- kurz Práca so študentami s asporgerovým syndrómom na VŠ (2022),
- Aspergerov syndróm (2021),
- Univerzita Palackého v Olomouci (2011 - Bc.)
- Ekonomická univerzita ( 2006 - PhD.),
- Fakulta matematiky, fyziky a infomatiky UK (2005 - RNDr. ),
- Matematicko - fyzikálna fakulta UK (1994 - 1999, Mgr.).
Profesionálne aktivity:
- tajomníčka Katedry matematiky a aktuárstva FHI EU v Bratislave (2023 - ),
- koordinátorka pre študentov so špecifickými potrebami (2015 - 2023),
- technická podpora časopisu Ekonomika a informatika (2018 - 2022),
- prodekanka pre sociálne záležitosti a informatizáciu FHI EU v Bratislave (2018 - 2022),
- prodekanka pre rozvoj FHI EU v Bratislave (2015 - 2018),
- tajomníčka Katedry matematiky (2006 - 2011),
Informácie pre študentov
1. Zimný semester
Odporúčané príklady na prerátanie-"stará zbierka"
Odporúčané príklady na prerátanie- nová zbiera
FPM, NHF, FMV Príklady 1. časť, + 2 časť, FPM dotycnica
jednoduché príklady na derivovanie
2. Letný semester
NHF Úvod do finančnej matematiky - tabuľka dní, odporúčané príklady I, II
HI - Matematika II - integrály, rady, algebra
UCT - Lineárna algebra stará zbierka, zbierka z roku 2020
Finančná matematika 2.časť
Social Scholarships
Basic information about the student social support system
Social support for university students is provided by direct and indirect means:
Each student has the right to use the services of a social support system if he/she meets the conditions that have been set. In case of the number of candidates for one of the non-claimable services exceeding its total capacity, the service (e.g. accommodation, loan) will be provided to applicants according to the predetermined criteria which consider the social situation and the study results of the applicant.
If you wish to apply for a social scholarship, you should personally pick up the application form at the Social department in the room D7.38.
Information for submitting applications for social scholarship
Declaration form
Employer confirmation form for sick leave
BLAHOVÁ, Bronislava, Mgr.
Social department officer
Study administrator
D7.38 +421267295738Formulár na rezerváciu termínu stretnutia